The Charter Oak Readings begin...

WordForge Reading Series has ended.

Long live The Charter Oak Readings.

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WordForge Reading Series History

December 12: Sherri Bedingfield and Ginny Lowe Connors

November 7: Danielle Pieratti and a group reading with Stanford M. Forrester, Tom Clausen, & Michael Ketchek

Oct. 10: Garrett Phelan and Luisa Caycedo-Kimura

Sept. 26: Alison D. Moncrief Bromage

June 6: Joan Sidney and Victoria Muñoz

May 17: Martha Collins and Bessy Reyna

May 2: Elizabeth Kincaid-Elhers & Margaret Gibson

March 7: Pat Hale and Jose B. Gonzalez

Dec. 7: Jeffrey Kaimowitz, Stephen Utz, Miriam Lloyd-Jones, and Kevin Rita

Nov. 2: Michael Cervas and Bruce Cohen

Oct. 5: Suzanne Levine and Janet Passehl

Sept. 8: Dennis Barone and Anita Durkin

June 8: Elizabeth Thomas

May 11: Brent Terry and Marilyn Nelson

April 20: David Epstein and Eric Hoffman

March 16: Steven Ostrowski

Dec. 1: Doug Anderson and Leslie McGrath

Nov. 10: Joan Hofmann and Sue Ellen Thompson

Oct. 20: JoAnne Bauer and Brian Simoneau

Sept. 29: Melissa E. Croghan and Rennie McQuilkin

June 2: Edwina Trenthan and Rhett Watts

May 5: Daniel Donaghy and V. Penelope Pelizzon

April 7: Christine Beck and Sarah Nichols

March 10: Dominic Failla and Adam Golaski

Feb. 10: Charles Fort and Kerry O'Keefe

Dec. 2: John Jeffrey & Pit Pinegar

Nov. 4: Jonathan Gillman & Gian Lombardo

Oct. 7: Brad Davis & Heidi St. Jean

Sept. 16: Chivas Sandage & Jonas Zdanys

June 10: Stephen Campiglio & Sarah Pemberton Strong

May 13: Alfred Corn and Glyn Dowden

April 29: Karim Ahmed and Reginald Flood

April 8: Clarke Otter and Ken McManus

March 11: Pate Hale and Steve Straight

Dec. 10: Donna Fleischer and Tom Nicotera

Nov. 12: Charles Douthat and Julia Paul

Oct. 15: Christine Palm and David Pontrelli

Sept. 24: Ginny Lowe Connors and Ken Cormier

June 4: Christine Beck & Cynthia Peck

May 14: Sherri Bedingfield and Benjamin Grossberg

April 16: Catherine Hoyser and Kate Rushin

March 12: Poetry and Translation: David Cappella and Maria Esposito Frank

February 13:  Two Capital Community College poets, Antoinette Brim & Kenneth DiMaggio

December 12: 'Coat Drive' Open Mike

November 14: Three Antrim House Poets: Susan Allison, Polly Brody & Joan Kantor

October 17: Two poets from Trinity College, Clare Rossini and Ciaran Berry

September 26: Short readings by current/former board members of the Friends & Enemies of Wallace Stevens, featuring: Dennis Barone, Lonnie Black, Christine Palm and Phil Tegeler

June 13: Jesse Abbot and Steve Ersinghaus

May 16: David Leff and Maria Sassi

April 19: John Peck and Lisa Taylor

April 4: Eileen Albrizio and Gray Jacobik

March 14: Irish & American Poetry Night, featuring Ciaran Berry, Leslie McGrath, Kathryn Kelly and James Finnegan.

Jan. 10: Peter Ganick and Eric Hoffman

Dec. 6: Prose Poems & Flash Fiction, featuring Dennis Barone and Charlie Chase

Nov. 15: Fall Harvest Open Mike (benefit for Loaves & Fishes Ministries)

Oct. 18: Marilyn Johnston and John Stanizzi

Sept. 13: Nancy Kuhl and Ravi Shankar

June 14: Suzanne Frischkorn and John Surowiecki

April 26: Poets of the Greater Hartford Arts Academy with Megan Collins, Meghan Evans, Jonathan Gillman, Lynn Hoffman, Pamela Nomura, Rafael Oses, Christine Palm, Pit Pinegar, Kate Rushin

May 17: Brush & Ink: A night of Modern Poetry in the Japanese Tradition—Stanford M. Forrester, Donna Fleischer and Tyrone McDonald

April 5: Leslie McGrath and Tryfon Tolides

March 15: River’s Edge Poets—David Holdt, Elizabeth Kincaid-Ehlers and Drew Sanborn

Feb. 22: Bessy Reyna and Mark Weiss

Feb. 1: Ten Thousand Things

Jan. 11: Favorite Poem Project: Poetry in Spanish<=>English

Dec. 7: Brickwalk Poets

Nov. 16: Fall Harvest Open Mike Reading (benefit for FoodShare)